Precept Launches New Products

Precept Launches New Products

To provide Precept customers with the latest hygiene products, the company introduced Air Oasis Sanifiers from USA and Smixin Hand Washing System from Switzerland.

Air Oasis

Air Oasis BenefitsNext Level Air Purification from USA - Air Oasis Sanifier are effective air purifier that cleans the air and sanitize surfaces as well. The word sanifier is a US registered term which means air purification and surface sanitization.  Air Oasis uses a unique catalyst that converts ozone to safer ions. It relies on friendly oxidizers instead of ozone to purify the air. Air Oasis meet ozone standards that are even more stringent than what the United States Environmental Protection Agency prescribes, making them ideal choices for any indoor air purification need in any space.   You and your loved ones can breathe easier without having to deal with clunky design, constant noise, or expensive air filter replacement. Our units will quickly reduce odors, allergens, bacteria, mold, viruses and volatile organic compounds (VOC). 



SMIXIN Smart Hand Washing System

SSmixin Hand Washing Systemmixin Combi Hand Washing Station – Swiss innovation that brings together the functions of water, soap & paper dispenser, sink and bin in a confined and controlled space. The COMBI saves approximately 90% of water and 60% of soap versus a conventional hand washing device. SMIXIN’s technology relies on the uniquely patented “Smart Mixing Unit”, which allows for an optimal mix of water, air, and soap. The SMIXIN hand washing systems are driven by complex electronics and touch-free technology to eliminate the risk of germ propagation. They can be linked to a cloud server with a WLAN transmitter, for a fully remote management of multiple COMBIs installed in various locations of a building.

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