Former Harry Ramsden’s director focuses on green hygiene solutions for operators

Former Harry Ramsden’s director focuses on green hygiene solutions for operators

A former Harry Ramsden’s director who now heads up a hospitality consultancy is helping restaurants to comply with increased hygiene and sanitation requirements while still keeping their green credentials intact.

With costly and unplanned cleaning and sanitising protocols threatening to put further financial strain on already stretched operators, Mike Glancy, managing director of Bar Restaurants Solutions, is aiming to access greener, cost-effective alternatives for his clients.

Mr Glancy, who spent five years at former Harry Ramsden’s owner BRG in senior commercial and operations capacities, said he was in talks with a number of operators keen to keep their cost bases low without compromising their environmental commitments.

“Before Covid-19, the hospitality sector was taking massive steps forward in dealing with its environmental responsibilities. Now though, a potential chemical tsunami could negatively impact UK landfall if hazardous cleaning materials are over-used in the coming months,” he explained.

“We have spent the lockdown sourcing cost-effective, non-toxic, non-hazardous alternatives to safeguard staff and consumers, as the sector re-opens. Embracing cost-effective, natural alternatives will assist in mitigating the spread of the virus, in a more positive way.”

London-based Bar Restaurants Solutions, whose clients include Groucho Club, Homeslice and Bottles Group, has already secured exclusivity on several environmentally-friendly cleaning products.

This includes the Thermostar professional dry steam cleaning unit, which is chemical-free and operates at temperatures up to 174°C, and ElectroChemical Activation, a powerful bio-cleaner that enables customers to stop using 80% of their current chemical cleaners and the single use plastic bottles they come in.

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